Records Security

We take pride in offering our clients a secure environment to safeguard confidential financial information. Factors that contribute to our secure environment:

  • Residing in a Class A office location
  • Office is monitored and protected by a security system
  • Office complex is locked down at 5:30 p.m. until 7:45 a.m. each day
  • Our office is video monitored 

Audit workpaper files are electronic and maintained on our secure server for seven years. Upon completion of the seven-year period documents are destroyed.

Tax workpaper files are electronic and saved on our secure server for five years. Upon completion of the five-year period, documents are destroyed.  Please contact us if you would like to retain these records rather than have them destroyed.

On-site and off-site backup of all electronic data is performed on a daily basis.

Changes to audit documentation are prohibited.

Principal Approval A principal of the firm must approve the destruction of documentation, except for automatic audit documentation after the seven year retention period has expired.